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notes before the wind 風景
HD / bw & color / stereo / 25:00 / 16:9 / 2020

notes before the wind is a loose collection of views of Hong Kong taken in a five-year period, beginning with the Umbrella movement in 2014 and ending right before the summer of 2019 when large-scale social unrest and violent resistance erupted. It captured the everyday ambience and landscape where social and natural forces intermingled and mirrored each other as allegories of change, standing as a quiet prelude to the ensuing conflicts and beyond.
《風景》紀錄了香港自二零一四年“雨傘運動” 至二零一九年夏天爆發大規模社會抗爭前這五年之間的零碎景象。自然與社會力量的縱橫交錯,在日常的氣氛和風景之中,成為了彼此的鏡象和改變的隱喻, 為緊隨的風雨欲來作出一個默然的序幕與見證。

keywords: experimental cinema, film diary, personal documentary, Hong Kong, Umbrella Movement, 2019
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